Hiring Graduate Writing Consultants

Hands writing in notebook with laptop and coffee nearby

November 21, 2022

The Drexel Writing Center (DWC) is currently hiring graduate students for the Graduate Writing Consultant (GWC) position.
GWCs provide one-to-one writing consultation to their fellow graduate students. This conversation between writer and reader is collaborative, tailored to meet the writer’s specific goals, and develop their writing skills. GWCs provide support throughout all the stages of the writing process from brainstorming to final draft.
Candidates undergo training and ongoing professional development in addition to their tutoring hours. Part of that training focuses on antiracist writing pedagogies and inclusive practices. Prior experience tutoring is preferred, but not necessary. We offer competitive pay and flexible hours.
Candidates should work well with their peers and exhibit empathy, strong listening skills, and clear communication. To apply, please contact Liz Kimball, Director of the University Writing Program, at ek674@drexel.edu.
Job Description:
Graduate Writing Consultants provide one-to-one writing support to their fellow graduate students throughout all stages of the writing process with the goal of helping writers develop their skills. Candidates should have strong writing skills, but more importantly, work well with their peers and exhibit empathy, strong listening skills, and clear communication. The Drexel Writing Center takes a collaborative approach in writing consultation and is strongly influenced by social constructivist theory and antiracist pedagogy. GWCs undergo training and ongoing professional development in addition to their tutoring hours. Prior experience tutoring is preferred, but not necessary. We offer competitive pay and flexible hours.